Latest News – February 2021

At present our swimming pool and gym are both closed, but we are hoping to reopen in April 2021.

During the lockdown, our water has been sampled by Socotec and all readings have come back clear of pathogens. This satisfies regulations from PWTAG. We always follow government guidelines in order to make your visit feel as comfortable as possible and provide you with a safe and enjoyable visit. The health and wellbeing of our customers and employees is and always will be our top priority. When the centre reopens, we ask that all customers adhere to our current Terms & Conditions:

• If you are displaying COVID-19 symptoms you must NOT make a booking or come into the centre

• If you have been in contact with anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of the date you wish to visit the centre, you must NOT make a booking or enter the centre

• When you visit the centre, you will need to provide us with your contact details for track and trace purposes. We will not share your details with any third party organisations

• There will be limited access to toilets and changing facilities

• Staff will carry out a thorough sanitisation process between all bookings and we also encourage members to do this after using any of our equipment

• Always observe social distancing rules with our staff and other customers

• If staff suspect that you are infringing current government regulations, you will be asked to leave

• Please don’t be a ‘no show.’ Thankfully most customers let us know if they wish to cancel their booking, but some don’t. If you know you are not going to be able to make it please let us know

What Safety Measures Have Been Put In Place?
In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we have introduced a number of safety measures that allows us to provide a safe environment for our employees and guests. This includes social distancing, staggered booking, hand sanitising stations, providing staff with Covid-19 specific training and more.

How Will Social Distancing Be Enforced?
All employee and customer areas will be arranged and managed so as to promote and maintain social distancing within our leisure centre. A one-way system will be in effect and a limited amount of people will be allowed in one area at any time.

Please make use of the hand sanitising station before entering the centre, the gym or the pool area. Do not arrive for your session any earlier than 10 mins before the start time. Your ticket will give you guaranteed access to your booked session, but if you arrive late (no matter what your arrival time is) you must vacate the gym/pool at the end time. You must also leave the premises within 15 minutes of the end time.

Toilets will be open and available to all, but access will restricted to one person at a time. Please try to use the toilet before the start of your swim. If you need to use the toilet during your swim then you still can. Lockers will be available for use and sterilised once a day. Where possible please leave your property on the benches.

Gym Numbers 
The number of people in the gym will be limited and it is vital that you book in advance and adhere to the time limits during this time. Each session will be limited to 50 minutes.

Whilst Using The Pool
Please respect that people of different standards and abilities will use the pool. Respect their right to enjoy their swim. We have divided the pool into 2 wide lanes to make lane swimming as smooth as possible. If you need to overtake someone please be patient and wait for them to stop at the end of a length and allow you to pass. If you notice someone swimming faster than you, please allow them to pass between lengths. 

No Overtaking During Your Swim
Please wait to pass swimmers at the end of a length and be aware of other swimmers and allow them to pass you. Before pushing off at each turn, check to see if anyone faster is approaching. Please be courteous to other swimmers and adjust your stoke accordingly. If you need a breather between a set of lengths be mindful that other swimmers will want to continue swimming without stopping. Please move to the left corner of your lane and face the wall and not the swimmers.  

Vacating The Pool
Please vacate the pool safely. You can get changed at the side of the pool if you wish. Bringing a robe with you is a great idea and makes changing easier and more private. If you prefer to use the changing rooms you can do so. Staff will be cleaning them regularly. Use the emergency exit to leave the facility and NOT the stair well. The exit is clearly signposted. Please vacate the pool area promptly after your session and within 15 minutes of the end time as we have sessions back to back. This will help the smooth running of the bookings. Staff will be very grateful not to have to prompt pool users on this. Be courteous to the swimmers awaiting the next session as we cannot start it until you have vacated the area.

Time Saving Methods
To reduce the time spent in our changing areas please consider the following guidance: 
• Bring your own hand sanitiser to clean down gym equipment
• Bring your own floats, goggles, etc
• Arrive ready to swim/workout (wear your swimwear under your clothing)
• Remove shoes on entry to the pool area for cleanliness and hygiene reasons
• Do not shower at the centre (shower at home)
• Leave the facility as soon as possible after your swim/gym session

Thank you so much for supporting The Lenton Centre. We cannot do this without your help. We love all our customers dearly and are so grateful that you are being patient with us during this testing time.

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